Petition for SA government to take a stand on Russia

History will judge South Africa for being complicit and thus on the wrong side of peace. Sign this petition calling on the South African government to hold Russia to account for their invasion of Ukraine.

We the undersigned,

Noting that the ruling party of South Africa has a long-term relationship with Russia and a working relationship through BRICS.

Furthermore, noting the calls from the government in the name of protecting human rights.

Are disappointed that South Africa are not taking a strong enough stance in trying to get Russia to withdraw from Ukraine in an effort to secure a swift peace.

Calls on South Africa to hold Russia to account by:

  1. Ensuring that Russia is held accountable to the Geneva convention and international law.
  2. Ensuring Russia does not use any weaponry that violates the Lieber Code.
  3. Not assisting in facilitating or hosting any monies, transactions or business deals that could counter the sanctions that have been introduced by the international community as measures to bring about an immediate withdrawal.

We further suggest that any country that cannot outright vote or call for an urgent withdrawal or motion against Russia that is drawn up in that spirit, is complicit, if not supportive of the actions of Russia and therefore on the wrong side of peace.

It is therefore the spirit of this petition that we call on President Cyril Ramaphosa, Minister of International Relations and Cooperation Naledi Pandor and our Ambassador to the UN to understand that their names will be attached to the votes and statements they make when history will judge us and we the undersigned petition them to take a tough and unambiguous stand to push for the immediate withdrawal of Russia.

5129 supporters

14871 needed to reach 20000

We the undersigned,

Noting that the ruling party of South Africa has a long-term relationship with Russia and a working relationship through BRICS.

Furthermore, noting the calls from the government in the name of protecting human rights.

Are disappointed that South Africa are not taking a strong enough stance in trying to get Russia to withdraw from Ukraine in an effort to secure a swift peace.

Calls on South Africa to hold Russia to account by:

  1. Ensuring that Russia is held accountable to the Geneva convention and international law.
  2. Ensuring Russia does not use any weaponry that violates the Lieber Code.
  3. Not assisting in facilitating or hosting any monies, transactions or business deals that could counter the sanctions that have been introduced by the international community as measures to bring about an immediate withdrawal.

We further suggest that any country that cannot outright vote or call for an urgent withdrawal or motion against Russia that is drawn up in that spirit, is complicit, if not supportive of the actions of Russia and therefore on the wrong side of peace.

It is therefore the spirit of this petition that we call on President Cyril Ramaphosa, Minister of International Relations and Cooperation Naledi Pandor and our Ambassador to the UN to understand that their names will be attached to the votes and statements they make when history will judge us and we the undersigned petition them to take a tough and unambiguous stand to push for the immediate withdrawal of Russia.