Petition for Eskom to stop polluting the air in Lephalale

Sign the DA’s petition demanding that Eskom keeps to the air quality guidelines and get behind our mission to protect the health of the residents of Lephalale in Limpopo.

Earlier this year Eskom applied to postpone the compliance time frames with regards to air quality as set by government for both Medupi and Matimba power stations located in Lephalale, Limpopo.

Furthermore, Eskom is not properly treating the ash dumps, negatively affecting the health of the residents and blanketing the whole town in ash.

Sign this petition for Eskom to stop polluting the air in Lephalale!

We demand that Eskom:

  • Keeps to the air quality guidelines as set by the National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act 39 of 2004 Minimum Emission Standards (MES) for its fleet of coal and fuel-fired power stations to the NAQO and object to Eskom’s application for the postponement and suspension of the compliance times frames.
  • Rehabilitate the ash dumps, to comply with national standards, within the next six months to stop the ash from being blown into the town of Lephalale.

While Eskom provides job security to thousands of people in Lephalale, Eskom must at the same time protect the people of Lephalale’s health.

Sign this petition to demand that Eskom rehabilitate the ash dumps within the next six months. We need to get 5 000 signature in order for it to be presented to Parliament.

Some negative consequences of the current air pollution:

  • Because of the two coal power stations in Lephalale the air quality is already compromised. Now with the ash also being blown into town the health of our community is at risk.
  • Visually, the pollution negatively affects the image of Lephalale as the whole town is covered in ash when the wind blows.

Sign this petition now.

3207 supporters

1793 needed to reach 5000

Earlier this year Eskom applied to postpone the compliance time frames with regards to air quality as set by government for both Medupi and Matimba power stations located in Lephalale, Limpopo.

Furthermore, Eskom is not properly treating the ash dumps, negatively affecting the health of the residents and blanketing the whole town in ash.

Sign this petition for Eskom to stop polluting the air in Lephalale!

We demand that Eskom:

  • Keeps to the air quality guidelines as set by the National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act 39 of 2004 Minimum Emission Standards (MES) for its fleet of coal and fuel-fired power stations to the NAQO and object to Eskom’s application for the postponement and suspension of the compliance times frames.
  • Rehabilitate the ash dumps, to comply with national standards, within the next six months to stop the ash from being blown into the town of Lephalale.

While Eskom provides job security to thousands of people in Lephalale, Eskom must at the same time protect the people of Lephalale’s health.

Sign this petition to demand that Eskom rehabilitate the ash dumps within the next six months. We need to get 5 000 signature in order for it to be presented to Parliament.

Some negative consequences of the current air pollution:

  • Because of the two coal power stations in Lephalale the air quality is already compromised. Now with the ash also being blown into town the health of our community is at risk.
  • Visually, the pollution negatively affects the image of Lephalale as the whole town is covered in ash when the wind blows.

Sign this petition now.